Skeletons in the Sewer

It is no secret that this outlet is not “crossing county lines” to support AL Senate District 21 candidate Lisa Ward. She is a hardline liberal Democrat attempting to brand herself as a moderate union Dixiecrat, the proverbial “your daddy’s Democrat”. We have been outspoken about her open disrespect for the same conservative Christian Lake View voters that she wants to rally behind her attempt to unseat unpopular Republican incumbent Gerald Allen. However, sometimes no commentary is needed to make a point. Lisa Ward has made her commitment to our community a cornerstone of her campaign in Lake View, particularly focusing on her public service as a founder of the City, and she has repeatedly expressed her opposition to the sewer system and her willingness to fight Mike White on behalf of the citizens. Below are documents that address both. These documents are presented with brief descriptions for the citizens of Lake View to make their own conclusions. It would seem that like many aspiring politicians, Mrs. Ward has more than her fair share of skeletons in the closet.

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