Council Meeting Breakdown: 03/09/2017

The Town Council of Lake View, Alabama met for their regular monthly meeting Thursday night (03/09/17) and with spring break and other second quarter activities on the horizon, turnout was less than normal. The agenda was light and most of the topics up for discussion were either mundane matters of the day-to-day needs of the town government or votes to delay more important decisions for a later time. The meeting wasn’t without its drama, however, as former CBLV candidate Daniel Griffin squared off with Mayor Calhoun and Town Attorney Jon Terry over the subject of the ongoing petition to prevent taxpayer dollars from making their way to GUSC or SERMA Holdings accounts. Here’s the rundown on what took place. Continue reading

Mayor Calhoun Refuses to Hear the People. Again.

Mayor Paul Calhoun is at it again. In what has become all too familiar a sight in Lake View, Calhoun has once again chosen to take to the town’s official…er not official – really just his page but actually listed as a government official’s Facebook page, to attack private citizens for daring to disagree with him. Has has shown a great propensity for ignoring the citizens he was elected to serve in favor of helping the private sewer company that seems likely to have bankrolled his campaign. This time it comes in the form of a cowardly response to a petition that he either doesn’t understand or is simply trying to mislead others into misunderstanding.  Continue reading