Recent Meetings are Business as Usual

In the time since the swearing in of the new town council, there have been meetings of both the LPOA Board of Directors and the Lake View Town Council. No major announcements or earth shattering changes were introduced, but even in times of business as usual there are nuggets of information that can give citizens a glimpse of the times to come. The appointment of new committee members is on the agenda for December and with Christmas to distract the citizens from what on the surface appears to be mundane procedural matters, it would be easy to potentially hide the foundations of a move to work against the town’s best interests in the proceedings.  Continue reading

How Important is Your Presence at the November 7 Swearing In?

Tonight, November 7, 2016 at 7pm, the newly elected Lake View, Alabama Town Council and Mayor will be sworn into office for their four-year terms. In many cases, this meeting is more ceremonial than anything else and at the most minor procedural business is handled. However, history shows that the Lake View Town Council has not been the most trustworthy when it comes to these matters. It has happened many times before in the past that special meetings called for a relatively mundane purpose have had more serious issues appear at the bottom of the agenda, often on short notice or with little notice. Last minute changes have been a common occurrence as well. This begs the question, “How important is it that the public show up in number to see what should be a minor procedural meeting with a bit of ceremony at the forefront?”. The answer is “Very important” and here are the reasons why. Continue reading